Journals starting with 3dv2

3DV20 * *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 3D Deep Learning for Biological Function Prediction from Physical Fields
* 3D-Aware Ellipse Prediction for Object-Based Camera Pose Estimation
* Adiabatic Quantum Graph Matching with Permutation Matrix Constraints
* Adversarial Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation
* Benchmarking Image Retrieval for Visual Localization
* Better Patch Stitching for Parametric Surface Reconstruction
* BP-MVSNet: Belief-Propagation-Layers for Multi-View-Stereo
* Class-unbalanced domain adaptation for object detection via dynamic weighting mechanism
* COALESCE: Component Assembly by Learning to Synthesize Connections
* Compression and Completion of Animated Point Clouds using Topological Properties of the Manifold
* Convolutional Autoencoders for Human Motion Infilling
* Correspondence Matrices are Underrated
* Cycle-Consistent Generative Rendering for 2D-3D Modality Translation
* Deep Depth Estimation on 360° Images with a Double Quaternion Loss
* Deep Learning Based Single-Photon 3D Imaging with Multiple Returns
* Deep LiDAR localization using optical flow sensor-map correspondences
* Deep NRSfM++: Towards Unsupervised 2D-3D Lifting in the Wild
* Deep Sketch-Based Modeling: Tips and Tricks
* Deep SVBRDF Estimation on Real Materials
* DeepC-MVS: Deep Confidence Prediction for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* Dense Point Diffusion for 3D Object Detection
* Depth Completion Using a View-constrained Deep Prior
* Depthwise Separable Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
* Differential Photometric Consistency
* Distributed Photometric Bundle Adjustment
* Divide et Impera Approach for 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Views, A
* Do End-to-end Stereo Algorithms Under-utilize Information?
* Do We Need Depth in State-Of-The-Art Face Authentication?
* DynOcc: Learning Single-View Depth from Dynamic Occlusion Cues
* Efficient Scene Compression for Visual-based Localization
* Error Bounds of Projection Models in Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Fast Discontinuity-Aware Subpixel Correspondence in Structured Light
* Fast Simultaneous Gravitational Alignment of Multiple Point Sets
* FC-vSLAM: Integrating Feature Credibility in Visual SLAM
* GAMesh: Guided and Augmented Meshing for Deep Point Networks
* Generalized Pose-and-Scale Estimation using 4-Point Congruence Constraints
* GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
* Global Context Aware Convolutions for 3D Point Cloud Understanding
* Graphite: Graph-Induced Feature Extraction for Point Cloud Registration
* Grasping Field: Learning Implicit Representations for Human Grasps
* High-Dynamic-Range Lighting Estimation From Face Portraits
* HyperSLAM: A Generic and Modular Approach to Sensor Fusion and Simultaneous Localization And Mapping in Continuous-Time
* Improved Modeling of 3D Shapes with Multi-view Depth Maps
* Improving Structure from Motion with Reliable Resectioning
* Instant recovery of shape from spectrum via latent space connections
* Intrinsic Autoencoders for Joint Deferred Neural Rendering and Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Intrinsic Dynamic Shape Prior for Dense Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
* Introducing Pose Consistency and Warp-Alignment for Self-Supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation in Color Images
* Joint Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow and Egomotion with Bi-Level optimization
* KAPLAN: A 3D Point Descriptor for Shape Completion
* KeystoneDepth: History in 3D
* LCD: Line Clustering and Description for Place Recognition
* Learning 3D Faces from Photo-Realistic Facial Synthesis
* Learning Distribution Independent Latent Representation for 3D Face Disentanglement
* Learning Implicit Surface Light Fields
* Learning Monocular Dense Depth from Events
* Learning Rotation-Invariant Representations of Point Clouds Using Aligned Edge Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning to Guide Local Feature Matches
* Learning to Infer Semantic Parameters for 3D Shape Editing
* Learning Wasserstein Isometric Embedding for Point Clouds
* LiDAR-based Recurrent 3D Semantic Segmentation with Temporal Memory Alignment
* Linear Approach to Absolute Pose Estimation for Light Fields, A
* LM-Reloc: Levenberg-Marquardt Based Direct Visual Relocalization
* LMSCNet: Lightweight Multiscale 3D Semantic Completion
* Localising In Complex Scenes Using Balanced Adversarial Adaptation
* MaskNet: A Fully-Convolutional Network to Estimate Inlier Points
* Matching-space Stereo Networks for Cross-domain Generalization
* MonoClothCap: Towards Temporally Coherent Clothing Capture from Monocular RGB Video
* Motion Annotation Programs: A Scalable Approach to Annotating Kinematic Articulations in Large 3D Shape Collections
* Neural Ray Surfaces for Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion
* New Distributional Ranking Loss With Uncertainty: Illustrated in Relative Depth Estimation, A
* Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Joint Translation-Stereo Learning: Light Effects and Uninformative Regions
* NodeSLAM: Neural Object Descriptors for Multi-View Shape Reconstruction
* Novel Depth from Defocus Framework Based on a Thick Lens Camera Model, A
* PanoNet3D: Combining Semantic and Geometric Understanding for LiDAR Point Cloud Detection
* PeeledHuman: Robust Shape Representation for Textured 3D Human Body Reconstruction
* PLACE: Proximity Learning of Articulation and Contact in 3D Environments
* PoseNet3D: Learning Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose via Knowledge Distillation
* Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Reflectance and Lighting Estimation
* Progressive Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Dense and Colored 3D Point Clouds, A
* RANP: Resource Aware Neuron Pruning at Initialization for 3D CNNs
* Recalibration of Neural Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
* Reducing Drift in Structure From Motion Using Extended Features
* Refractive Multi-view Stereo
* Registration Loss Learning for Deep Probabilistic Point Set Registration
* Restoration of Motion Blur in Time-of-Flight Depth Image Using Data Alignment
* Rethinking PointNet Embedding for Faster and Compact Model
* RidgeSfM: Structure from Motion via Robust Pairwise Matching Under Depth Uncertainty
* RocNet: Recursive Octree Network for Efficient 3D Deep Representation
* Rotation-Invariant Point Convolution With Multiple Equivariant Alignments.
* RotPredictor: Unsupervised Canonical Viewpoint Learning for Point Cloud Classification
* Saliency Guided Subdivision for Single-View Mesh Reconstruction
* Scalable Point Cloud-based Reconstruction with Local Implicit Functions
* Scene Flow from Point Clouds with or without Learning
* SCFusion: Real-time Incremental Scene Reconstruction with Semantic Completion
* Screen-space Regularization on Differentiable Rasterization
* Self-Supervised 2D Image to 3D Shape Translation with Disentangled Representations
* Self-supervised Depth Denoising Using Lower- and Higher-quality RGB-D sensors
* Self-Supervised Learning of Non-Rigid Residual Flow and Ego-Motion
* Self-Supervised Learning of Point Clouds via Orientation Estimation
* Semantic Deep Face Models
* Semantic Implicit Neural Scene Representations With Semi-Supervised Training
* SF-UDA3D: Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection
* Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geometry and SVBRDF Material from Images via Differentiable Path Tracing
* Simulated Annealing for 3D Shape Correspondence
* Smart Time-Multiplexing of Quads Solves the Multicamera Interference Problem
* SMPLy Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* Spatial Attention Improves Iterative 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Style Transfer for Keypoint Matching Under Adverse Conditions
* Temporal LiDAR Frame Prediction for Autonomous Driving
* Time Shifted IMU Preintegration for Temporal Calibration in Incremental Visual-Inertial Initialization
* Torch-Points3D: A Modular Multi-Task Framework for Reproducible Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds
* Towards 3D VR-Sketch to 3D Shape Retrieval
* Towards a MEMS-based Adaptive LIDAR
* Towards Geometry Guided Neural Relighting with Flash Photography
* Transformer-Based Network for Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* TRANSPR: Transparency Ray-Accumulating Neural 3D Scene Point Renderer
* Two-Stage Relation Constraint for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Underwater Scene Recovery Using Wavelength-Dependent Refraction of Light
* Unsupervised Dense Shape Correspondence using Heat Kernels
* Using Image Sequences for Long-Term Visual Localization
* VIPNet: A Fast and Accurate Single-View Volumetric Reconstruction by Learning Sparse Implicit Point Guidance
* Visualizing Spectral Bundle Adjustment Uncertainty
124 for 3DV20

3DV21 * *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 3D Lip Event Detection via Interframe Motion Divergence at Multiple Temporal Resolutions
* 3D Point Cloud Registration with Multi-Scale Architecture and Unsupervised Transfer Learning
* 3D reconstruction of insects: an improved multifocus stacking and an evaluation of learning-based MVS approaches
* 3D Reconstruction of Novel Object Shapes from Single Images
* 3D-MetaConNet: Meta-learning for 3D Shape Classification and Segmentation
* 3DVNet: Multi-View Depth Prediction and Volumetric Refinement
* 4D Human Body Capture from Egocentric Video via 3D Scene Grounding
* AIR-Nets: An Attention-Based Framework for Locally Conditioned Implicit Representations
* Algebraic Constraint for Preserving Convexity of Planar Homography
* Attacking Image Classifiers To Generate 3D Textures
* Attention meets Geometry: Geometry Guided Spatial-Temporal Attention for Consistent Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Body Size and Depth Disambiguation in Multi-Person Reconstruction from Single Images
* CAMPARI: Camera-Aware Decomposed Generative Neural Radiance Fields
* Channel-Wise Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Collaborative Regression of Expressive Bodies using Moderation
* Conflicts between Likelihood and Knowledge Distillation in Task Incremental Learning for 3D Object Detection
* Convex Joint Graph Matching and Clustering via Semidefinite Relaxations
* Curiosity-driven 3D Object Detection Without Labels
* Dance In the Wild: Monocular Human Animation with Neural Dynamic Appearance Synthesis
* Data-Driven 3D Reconstruction of Dressed Humans From Sparse Views
* Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Recognition in Single-View 3D Reconstruction Networks, A
* Deep Multi-View Stereo Gone Wild
* Deep Physics-aware Inference of Cloth Deformation for Monocular Human Performance Capture
* Deep Regression on Manifolds: A 3D Rotation Case Study
* DeepBBS: Deep Best Buddies for Point Cloud Registration
* DiffSDFSim: Differentiable Rigid-Body Dynamics With Implicit Shapes
* Digging Into Self-Supervised Learning of Feature Descriptors
* Direct Dense Pose Estimation
* Direct-PoseNet: Absolute Pose Regression with Photometric Consistency
* DPC: Unsupervised Deep Point Correspondence via Cross and Self Construction
* DPFM: Deep Partial Functional Maps
* DSP-SLAM: Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors
* Dual Geometric Graph Network (DG2N) Iterative Network for Deformable Shape Alignment
* Dual Mesh Convolutional Networks for Human Shape Correspondence
* DurLAR: A High-Fidelity 128-Channel LiDAR Dataset with Panoramic Ambient and Reflectivity Imagery for Multi-Modal Autonomous Driving Applications
* Dynamic Multi-Person Mesh Recovery From Uncalibrated Multi-View Cameras
* E-RAFT: Dense Optical Flow from Event Cameras
* Efficiently Distributed Watertight Surface Reconstruction
* EgoGlass: Egocentric-View Human Pose Estimation From an Eyeglass Frame
* ESL: Event-based Structured Light
* Event Guided Depth Sensing
* Exemplar Fine-Tuning for 3D Human Model Fitting Towards In-the-Wild 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Exploring Versatile Prior for Human Motion via Motion Frequency Guidance
* FiG-NeRF: Figure-Ground Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Object Category Modelling
* Fine-Grained VR Sketching: Dataset and Insights.
* FLYBO: A Unified Benchmark Environment for Autonomous Flying Robots
* Fusing Posture and Position Representations for Point Cloud-Based Hand Gesture Recognition
* GASCN: Graph Attention Shape Completion Network
* GCSR: Gray Code Super-Resolution 3D Scanning
* Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
* GenIcoNet: Generative Icosahedral Mesh Convolutional Network
* Geometric Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on 3D Point Clouds
* Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibration Using Dual Quaternions
* Go with the Flows: Mixtures of Normalizing Flows for Point Cloud Generation and Reconstruction
* High Fidelity 3D Reconstructions with Limited Physical Views
* Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video in the Wild
* HumanGAN: A Generative Model of Human Images
* HyNet: 3D Segmentation Using Hybrid Graph Networks
* Image Stitching with Locally Shared Rotation Axis
* Intention-based Long-Term Human Motion Anticipation
* Investigating Attention Mechanism in 3D Point Cloud Object Detection
* It Is All In The Weights: Robust Rotation Averaging Revisited
* Joint 3D Human Shape Recovery and Pose Estimation from a Single Image with Bilayer Graph
* KAMA: 3D Keypoint Aware Body Mesh Articulation
* L2D2: Learnable Line Detector and Descriptor
* LatentHuman: Shape-and-Pose Disentangled Latent Representation for Human Bodies
* Learning 3D Semantic Segmentation with only 2D Image Supervision
* Learning Iterative Robust Transformation Synchronization
* Learning Local Recurrent Models for Human Mesh Recovery
* Learning Residue-Aware Correlation Filters and Refining Scale Estimates with the GrabCut for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Learning Scale-Adaptive Representations for Point-Level LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
* Learning To Disambiguate Strongly Interacting Hands via Probabilistic Per-Pixel Part Segmentation
* Leveraging MoCap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
* Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrated Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
* Lifted Semantic Graph Embedding for Omnidirectional Place Recognition
* MaCal - Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera Model
* Mesh-Based Reconstruction of Dynamic Foam Images Using X-Ray CT
* MeshMVS: Multi-View Stereo Guided Mesh Reconstruction
* Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes
* Modality-Guided Subnetwork for Salient Object Detection
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands via Collision-Aware Factorized Refinements
* Monocular Depth Estimation Primed by Salient Point Detection and Normalized Hessian Loss
* MP-Mono: Monocular 3D Detection Using Multiple Priors for Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Category Mesh Reconstruction From Image Collections
* Multi-scale Space-time Registration of Growing Plants
* NeeDrop: Self-supervised Shape Representation from Sparse Point Clouds using Needle Dropping
* Neighborhood-based Neural Implicit Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution Stereo
* Neural Human Deformation Transfer
* NeuralBlox: Real-Time Neural Representation Fusion for Robust Volumetric Mapping
* NeuralDiff: Segmenting 3D objects that move in egocentric videos
* Non-Linear Anisotropic Diffusion for Memory-Efficient Computed Tomography Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* NVS-MonoDepth: Improving Monocular Depth Prediction with Novel View Synthesis
* NVSS: High-quality Novel View Selfie Synthesis
* Object SLAM-Based Active Mapping and Robotic Grasping
* Occlusion Guided Self-supervised Scene Flow Estimation on 3D Point Clouds
* Open-set 3D Object Detection
* PanoDepth: A Two-Stage Approach for Monocular Omnidirectional Depth Estimation
* Parameterization of Ambiguity in Monocular Depth Prediction
* PhysXNet: A Customizable Approach for Learning Cloth Dynamics on Dressed People
* PLNet: Plane and Line Priors for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* Point2FFD: Learning Shape Representations of Simulation-Ready 3D Models for Engineering Design Optimization
* PolyNet: Polynomial Neural Network for 3D Shape Recognition with PolyShape Representation
* PoseContrast: Class-Agnostic Object Viewpoint Estimation in the Wild with Pose-Aware Contrastive Learning
* Practical Pose Trajectory Splines With Explicit Regularization
* Projective Urban Texturing
* R4Dyn: Exploring Radar for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation of Dynamic Scenes
* RAFT-Stereo: Multilevel Recurrent Field Transforms for Stereo Matching
* Ray Tracing-Guided Design of Plenoptic Cameras
* RealisticHands: A Hybrid Model for 3D Hand Reconstruction
* Recovering Real-World Reflectance Properties and Shading From HDR Imagery
* RefRec: Pseudo-labels Refinement via Shape Reconstruction for Unsupervised 3D Domain Adaptation
* Representing Shape Collections With Alignment-Aware Linear Models
* Residual Geometric Feature Transform Network for 3D Surface Super-Resolution
* RGBD-Net: Predicting Color and Depth Images for Novel Views Synthesis
* Robust Fitting with Truncated Least Squares: A Bilevel Optimization Approach
* SAFA: Structure Aware Face Animation
* Scalable Cluster-Consistency Statistics for Robust Multi-Object Matching
* SceneFormer: Indoor Scene Generation with Transformers
* Self-Supervised Light Field Depth Estimation Using Epipolar Plane Images
* Self-Supervised Monocular Scene Decomposition and Depth Estimation
* Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection via Temporal Graph Neural Networks
* Shortest Paths in Graphs with Matrix-Valued Edges: Concepts, Algorithm and Application to 3D Multi-Shape Analysis
* SIDER: Single-Image Neural Optimization for Facial Geometric Detail Recovery
* Skeleton-Driven Neural Occupancy Representation for Articulated Hands, A
* Softmesh: Learning Probabilistic Mesh Connectivity via Image Supervision
* Spatio-Temporal Human Shape Completion With Implicit Function Networks
* Spatio-temporal Transformer for 3D Human Motion Prediction, A
* Spectral Reconstruction and Disparity from Spatio-Spectrally Coded Light Fields via Multi-Task Deep Learning
* Stochastic Neural Radiance Fields: Quantifying Uncertainty in Implicit 3D Representations
* SUPPLE: Extracting Hand Skeleton with Spherical Unwrapping Profiles
* SVMAC: Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image with Single-view-multi-angle Consistency
* Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry
* Task-Generic Hierarchical Human Motion Prior using VAEs
* TermiNeRF: Ray Termination Prediction for Efficient Neural Rendering
* Towards Unconstrained Joint Hand-Object Reconstruction From RGB Videos
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Scenes
* Variational Monocular Depth Estimation for Reliability Prediction
* Visual Camera Re-Localization Using Graph Neural Networks and Relative Pose Supervision
* VoRTX: Volumetric 3D Reconstruction With Transformers for Voxelwise View Selection and Fusion
* Wild ToFu: Improving Range and Quality of Indirect Time-of-Flight Depth with RGB Fusion in Challenging Environments
142 for 3DV21

Index for "3"

Last update:29-May-24 18:01:07
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