Index for yasy

Yasyukevich, A.[Anna] Co Author Listing * Small-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities of Auroral Origin at Mid-latitudes during the 22 June 2015 Magnetic Storm and Their Effect on GPS Positioning
* Strong Interrelation between the Short-Term Variability in the Ionosphere, Upper Mesosphere, and Winter Polar Stratosphere

Yasyukevich, A.S.[Anna S.] Co Author Listing * Features of Winter Stratosphere Small-Scale Disturbance during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings

Yasyukevich, Y.[Yury] Co Author Listing * Experimental Estimation of Deviation Frequency within the Spectrum of Scintillations of the Carrier Phase of GNSS Signals
* Increase of GNSS Data Time Rate and Analysis of the Carrier Phase Spectrum, An
* Small-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities of Auroral Origin at Mid-latitudes during the 22 June 2015 Magnetic Storm and Their Effect on GPS Positioning
* Wave Signatures in Total Electron Content Variations: Filtering Problems

Yasyukevich, Y.V.[Yury V.] Co Author Listing * Auroral Oval Boundary Dynamics on the Nature of Geomagnetic Storm
* Features of Winter Stratosphere Small-Scale Disturbance during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
* Galileo E5 AltBOC Signals: Application for Single-Frequency Total Electron Content Estimations

Index for "y"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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