Index for vobe

Vobecky, A. Co Author Listing * Advanced Pedestrian Dataset Augmentation for Autonomous Driving
* Desoiling Dataset: Restoring Soiled Areas on Automotive Fisheye Cameras
* Detecting Decision Ambiguity from Facial Images
* Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes via Cross-Modal Distillation
* Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera Lens Soiling Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Unsupervised Object Localization: Observing the Background to Discover Objects
Includes: Vobecky, A. Vobecký, A. Vobecky, A.[Antonin] Vobecký, A.[Antonín]

Index for "v"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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