Index for vepa

Vepa, A.[Arvind] Co Author Listing * Weakly-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for Vessel Segmentation in Cerebral Angiography

Vepakomma, P.[Praneeth] Co Author Listing * Decouple-and-Sample: Protecting Sensitive Information in Task Agnostic Data Release
* DISCO: Dynamic and Invariant Sensitive Channel Obfuscation for deep neural networks
* NoPeek-Infer: Preventing face reconstruction attacks in distributed inference after on-premise training

Vepakomma, U.[Udayalakshmi] Co Author Listing * Aboveground-Biomass Estimation of a Complex Tropical Forest in India Using Lidar
* Estimation of Northern Hardwood Forest Inventory Attributes Using UAV Laser Scanning (ULS): Transferability of Laser Scanning Methods and Comparison of Automated Approaches at the Tree- and Stand-Level
* Potential of UAV Based Convergent Photogrammetry in Monitoring Regeneration Standards
* Resnet-based Tree Species Classification Using UAV Images
* Valuing Forest Stand At a Glance With UAV Based Lidar
Includes: Vepakomma, U.[Udayalakshmi] Vepakomma, U.

Index for "v"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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