Index for tzia

Tziachris, P.[Panagiotis] Co Author Listing * Comparing Machine Learning Models and Hybrid Geostatistical Methods Using Environmental and Soil Covariates for Soil pH Prediction
* Prediction and Uncertainty Capabilities of Quantile Regression Forests in Estimating Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Matter
* Spatial Modelling and Prediction Assessment of Soil Iron Using Kriging Interpolation with pH as Auxiliary Information

Tziakos, I. Co Author Listing * Local Abnormality Detection in Video Using Subspace Learning
* Video event segmentation and visualisation in non-linear subspace
Includes: Tziakos, I. Tziakos, I.[Ioannis]

Tziatzios, G.A.[Georgios A.] Co Author Listing * Remotely Sensed Agroclimatic Classification and Zoning in Water-Limited Mediterranean Areas towards Sustainable Agriculture

Tziavos, I.N.[Ilias N.] Co Author Listing * Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission over the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece
* ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monitoring Performance of Radar Altimeters for Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B and Jason-3 Using Transponder and Sea-Surface Calibrations with FRM Standards, The
* Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry Missions: Calibration of Satellite Altimetry at the Permanent Facilities in Gavdos and Crete, Greece
* FIR, IIR and Wavelet Algorithms for the Rigorous Filtering of GOCE SGG Data to the GOCE MBW
* Geoid Studies in Two Test Areas in Greece Using Different Geopotential Models towards the Estimation of a Reference Geopotential Value
* GOCE Downward Continuation to the Earth's Surface and Improvements to Local Geoid Modeling by FFT and LSC

Index for "t"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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