Index for turp

Turpeinen, T. Co Author Listing * Interface Detection Using a Quenched-Noise Version of the Edwards-Wilkinson Equation

Turpie, K.[Kevin] Co Author Listing * Moon as a Climate-Quality Radiometric Calibration Reference, The

Turpie, K.R.[Kevin R.] Co Author Listing * Future Retrievals of Water Column Bio-Optical Properties using the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI)

Turpin, A.[Andrew] Co Author Listing * active foveated gaze prediction algorithm based on a Bayesian ideal observer, An
* Automated Identification of Photoreceptor Cones Using Multi-scale Modelling and Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Entropy of the Retina Template
Includes: Turpin, A.[Andrew] Turpin, A.[Alan] Turpin, A.

Turpin, D.[Dylan] Co Author Listing * Grasp'D: Differentiable Contact-Rich Grasp Synthesis for Multi-Fingered Hands
* Neural Shape Mating: Self-Supervised Object Assembly with Adversarial Shape Priors

Turpin, J.M.[Jean Michel] Co Author Listing * New Application of Smart Walker for Quantitative Analysis of Human Walking, A
Includes: Turpin, J.M.[Jean Michel] Turpin, J.M.[Jean-Michel]

Turppa, T.[Tuomas] Co Author Listing * Interactive dense point clouds in a game engine
* Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction
* Nationwide Point Cloud: The Future Topographic Core Data

Index for "t"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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