Index for rozu

Rozumnyi, D.[Denys] Co Author Listing * Coplanar Repeats by Energy Minimization
* DeFMO: Deblurring and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects
* Finding Geometric Models by Clustering in the Consensus Space
* FMODetect: Robust Detection of Fast Moving Objects
* Human from Blur: Human Pose Tracking from Blurry Images
* Intra-Frame Object Tracking by Deblatting
* Learned Semantic Multi-Sensor Depth Map Fusion
* Motion-from-Blur: 3D Shape and Motion Estimation of Motion-blurred Objects in Videos
* Non-causal Tracking by Deblatting
* Single-Image Deblurring, Trajectory and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Sub-Frame Appearance and 6D Pose Estimation of Fast Moving Objects
* Tracking by 3D Model Estimation of Unknown Objects in Videos
* Tracking by Deblatting
* World of Fast Moving Objects, The
Includes: Rozumnyi, D.[Denys] Rozumnyi, D.
14 for Rozumnyi, D.

Index for "r"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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