Index for plas

Plasberg, G.[Georg] Co Author Listing * Apparatus and a method for the detection of objects

Plascak, I.[Ivan] Co Author Listing * Optimal Soybean (Glycine max L.) Land Suitability Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Analysis and Sentinel-2 Multitemporal Images
* UAS and Machine Learning Classification Approach to Suitability Prediction of Expanding Natural Habitats for Endangered Flora Species, A
Includes: Plascak, I.[Ivan] Plašcak, I.[Ivan]

Plasencia Calana, Y.[Yenisel] Co Author Listing * Compact Representation of Multiscale Dissimilarity Data by Prototype Selection, A
* Dissimilarity Representations Based on Multi-Block LBP for Face Detection
* Face Composite Sketch Recognition by BoVW-Based Discriminative Representations
* Facial Landmarks Detection Using Extended Profile LBP-Based Active Shape Models
* Metric Learning in the Dissimilarity Space to Improve Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* On the Use of Pre-trained Neural Networks for Different Face Recognition Tasks
* On Using Asymmetry Information for Classification in Extended Dissimilarity Spaces
* Prototype Selection for Dissimilarity Representation by a Genetic Algorithm
* Towards Cluster-Based Prototype Sets for Classification in the Dissimilarity Space
* Towards Scalable Prototype Selection by Genetic Algorithms with Fast Criteria
Includes: Plasencia Calana, Y.[Yenisel] Plasencia-Calaņa, Y.[Yenisel]
10 for Plasencia Calana, Y.

Plasencia, Y.[Yenisel] Co Author Listing * Face Recognition with LWIR Imagery Using Local Binary Patterns
* Study on Representations for Face Recognition from Thermal Images, A

Plaskowski, A.B. Co Author Listing * tomographic flow imaging system based on capacitance measuring techniques, A

Plass, J.[Jurgen] Co Author Listing * Effect of Time of Day and Sky Conditions on Different Vegetation Indices Calculated from Active and Passive Sensors and Images Taken from UAV
Includes: Plass, J.[Jurgen] Plass, J.[Jürgen]

Plassard, T. Co Author Listing * Musip Multi-Sensor Image Processing System

Plassmann, P. Co Author Listing * active contour model for measuring the area of leg ulcers, An
* Near real-time point cloud processing using the PCL

Plastria, F.[Frank] Co Author Listing * Non-hierarchical clustering with MASLOC
* Two hierarchies associated with each clustering scheme

Index for "p"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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