Index for oguc

Oguchi, K.[Kentaro] Co Author Listing * Cyber Mobility Mirror: A Deep Learning-Based Real-World Object Perception Platform Using Roadside LiDAR
* Intelligent vehicle control at signal-free intersection under mixed connected environment
Includes: Oguchi, K.[Kentaro] Oguchi, K.[Ken]

Oguchi, M.[Masato] Co Author Listing * Action Recognition Using Pose Data in a Distributed Environment over the Edge and Cloud

Oguchi, T.[Takashi] Co Author Listing * Archaeological Predictive Modeling Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Japan and China
* Effects of Topography on Vegetation Recovery after Shallow Landslides in the Obara and Shobara Districts, Japan
* Evaluating Spatiotemporal Patterns of Post-Eruption Vegetation Recovery at Unzen Volcano, Japan, from Landsat Time Series
* Rock Glacier Inventory of the Southwestern Pamirs Supported by InSAR Kinematics
* Topographic Evolution Involving Co-Seismic Landslide, Deformation, Long-Term Folding and Isostatic Rebound: A Case Study on the 2004 Chuetsu Earthquake

Index for "o"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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