Index for modo

Modolo, D. Co Author Listing * Action Recognition With Spatial-Temporal Discriminative Filter Banks
* Combining Detection and Tracking for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* Context Forest for Object Class Detection
* Denoising and Selecting Pseudo-Heatmaps for Semi-Supervised Human Pose Estimation
* Do Semantic Parts Emerge in Convolutional Neural Networks?
* Hierarchical Self-supervised Representation Learning for Movie Understanding
* Joint calibration of Ensemble of Exemplar SVMs
* Learning Semantic Part-Based Models from Google Images
* MaCLR: Motion-Aware Contrastive Learning of Representations for Videos
* Objects as Context for Detecting Their Semantic Parts
* ScaleDet: A Scalable Multi-Dataset Object Detector
* SCVRL: Shuffled Contrastive Video Representation Learning
* Selective Feature Compression for Efficient Activity Recognition Inference
* SiamMOT: Siamese Multi-Object Tracking
* SkeleTR: Towards Skeleton-based Action Recognition in the Wild
* TubeR: Tubelet Transformer for Video Action Detection
* Understanding the impact of mistakes on background regions in crowd counting
* What to look at and where: Semantic and Spatial Refined Transformer for detecting human-object interactions
Includes: Modolo, D. Modolo, D.[Davide]
18 for Modolo, D.

Index for "m"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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