Index for loho

Lohou, C.[Christophe] Co Author Listing * Automatic calibration of a single-projector catadioptric display system
* Automatic Correction of Ma and Sonka's Thinning Algorithm Using P-Simple Points
* Automatic Correction of Ma's Thinning Algorithm Based on P-simple Points, An
* Detection of the non-topology preservation of Ma and Sonka's algorithm, by the use of P-simple points
* Detection of the non-topology preservation of Ma's 3D surface-thinning algorithm, by the use of P-simple points
* Preliminary Experiment of the Interactive Registration of a Trocar for Thoracoscopy with HoloLens Headset
* Two symmetrical thinning algorithms for 3D binary images, based on P-simple points
7 for Lohou, C.

Lohou, F.[Fabienne] Co Author Listing * Can We Use Satellite-Based Soil-Moisture Products at High Resolution to Investigate Land-Use Differences and Land-Atmosphere Interactions? A Case Study in the Savanna

Index for "l"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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