Index for kehl

Kehl, M.[Martin] Co Author Listing * Accuracy Assessment of Landform Classification Approaches on Different Spatial Scales for the Iranian Loess Plateau

Kehl, R.[Roland] Co Author Listing * Full Body Tracking from Multiple Views Using Stochastic Sampling
* Markerless tracking of complex human motions from multiple views
* Real-time pointing gesture recognition for an immersive environment
Includes: Kehl, R.[Roland] Kehl, R.

Kehl, W. Co Author Listing * Autolabeling 3D Objects With Differentiable Rendering of SDF Shape Priors
* BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Coloured signed distance fields for full 3D object reconstruction
* DeceptionNet: Network-Driven Domain Randomization
* DeCo: Decomposition and Reconstruction for Compositional Temporal Grounding via Coarse-to-Fine Contrastive Ranking
* Deep Learning of Local RGB-D Patches for 3D Object Detection and 6D Pose Estimation
* Deep Model-Based 6D Pose Refinement in RGB
* Hashmod: A Hashing Method for Scalable 3D Object Detection
* Monocular Differentiable Rendering for Self-supervised 3D Object Detection
* Octree-Based Approach towards Efficient Variational Range Data Fusion, An
* Photo-realistic Neural Domain Randomization
* Real-Time 3D Model Tracking in Color and Depth on a Single CPU Core
* ROI-10D: Monocular Lifting of 2D Detection to 6D Pose and Metric Shape
* SDF-2-SDF Registration for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
* SDF-2-SDF: Highly Accurate 3D Object Reconstruction
* SSD-6D: Making RGB-Based 3D Detection and 6D Pose Estimation Great Again
* Universal Hough dictionaries for object tracking
Includes: Kehl, W. Kehl, W.[Wadim]
17 for Kehl, W.

Kehlbacher, A.[Ariane] Co Author Listing * Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aerial images and estimation for unobserved regions

Index for "k"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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