Index for kaim

Kaim, D.[Dominik] Co Author Listing * Impact of the Cartographer's Position and Topographic Accessibility on the Accuracy of Historical Land Use Information: Case of the Second Military Survey Maps of the Habsburg Empire
* Long-Term Changes of the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Polish Carpathians
* Mapping Secondary Forest Succession On Abandoned Agricultural Land In The Polish Carpathians
* Mapping Secondary Forest Succession on Abandoned Agricultural Land with LiDAR Point Clouds and Terrestrial Photography
* Substantial Increase of Forest Cover in Central Poland Following Extensive Land Abandonment: Szydlowiec County Case Study, The
* Using CORONA Imagery to Study Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Review of Applications

Kaimakis, P.[Paris] Co Author Listing * Gradient-Based Hand Tracking Using Silhouette Data
* Markerless motion capture with single and multiple cameras
* Physiological modelling for improved reliability in silhouette-driven gradient-based hand tracking
Includes: Kaimakis, P.[Paris] Kaimakis, P.

Kaimal, M.R. Co Author Listing * Adaptive Scalable Wavelet Difference Reduction Method for Efficient Image Transmission
* Fast Second-Generation Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization, A
* Improved Hybrid Model for Molecular Image Denoising, An
* Object Coding using a Shape Adaptive Wavelet Transform with Scalable WDR Method
* Speckle Reduction in Images with WEAD and WECD

Kaimal, R.M. Co Author Listing * Estimation of Driver Head Yaw Angle Using a Generic Geometric Model
* Yaw Estimation Using Cylindrical and Ellipsoidal Face Models

Kaimaris, D.[Dimitris] Co Author Listing * Application of UAS with Remote Sensing Sensors for the Location of Marks in the Archaeological Site of the Europos, Greece
* Earth Observations As A Tool for Detecting and Monitoring Potential Environmental Violations and Policy Implementation
* National Scale Land Cover Classification for Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment, Using Multitemporal Copernicus EO Data and Google Earth Engine
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Multi Temporal Mapping Results of the Dispilio Lakeside Prehistoric Settlement
Includes: Kaimaris, D.[Dimitris] Kaimaris, D.

Index for "k"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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