Index for jurj

Jurjevic, L. Co Author Listing * 3d Data Acquisition Based On Opencv for Close-range Photogrammetry Applications
* Assessment of Close-Range Remote Sensing Methods for DTM Estimation in a Lowland Deciduous Forest
* Impact of UAS Image Orientation on Accuracy of Forest Inventory Attributes
* Is field-measured tree height as reliable as believed: Part II, A comparison study of tree height estimates from conventional field measurement and low-cost close-range remote sensing in a deciduous forest
* What Is the Most Suitable Height Range of ALS Point Cloud and LiDAR Metric for Understorey Analysis? A Study Case in a Mixed Deciduous Forest, Pokupsko Basin, Croatia
Includes: Jurjevic, L. Jurjevic, L.[Luka]

Index for "j"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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