Index for jurg

Jurgen, F.[Fripp] Co Author Listing * Uninformative Frame Detection in Colonoscopy Through Motion, Edge and Color Features

Jurgens, C. Co Author Listing * Automated LULC Classification of VHR Optical Satellite Data in the Context of Urban Planning
* Bringing Earth Observation to Schools with Digital Integrated Learning Environments
* Editorial, Issue Introduction
* Monitoring of Urban Sprawl and Densification Processes in Western Germany in the Light of SDG Indicator 11.3.1 Based on an Automated Retrospective Classification Approach
* Urban Development in West Africa: Monitoring and Intensity Analysis of Slum Growth in Lagos: Linking Pattern and Process
Includes: Jurgens, C. Jürgens, C.[Carsten] (Maybe also Juergens, C.)

Jurgens, N.[Norbert] Co Author Listing * Effect of Epidermal Structures on Leaf Spectral Signatures of Ice Plants (Aizoaceae), The
* Mapping Bush Encroaching Species by Seasonal Differences in Hyperspectral Imagery
Includes: Jurgens, N.[Norbert] Jürgens, N.[Norbert] (Maybe also Juergens, N.)Jürgens, N. (Maybe also Juergens, N.)

Jurgensen, D.R.[Dan R.] Co Author Listing * Bicycle chain shape models

Jurgensohn, T. Co Author Listing * Intuitive Mobility Aid for Visually Impaired People Based on Stereo Vision, An

Jurgutis, T.[Tadas] Co Author Listing * Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approximation of Coverage Path Planning Results for Parking Lots

Index for "j"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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