Index for jarg

Jargal, A.[Ariungerel.] Co Author Listing * Learning-Based Method for Solving Ill-Posed Nonlinear Inverse Problems: A Simulation Study of Lung EIT, A

Jargalsaikhan, I.[Iveel] Co Author Listing * Action localization in video using a graph-based feature representation
* Action recognition based on sparse motion trajectories
* Action recognition in video using a spatial-temporal graph-based feature representation
* Evaluation of Local Action Descriptors for Human Action Classification in the Presence of Occlusion, An

Jargalsaikhan, M.E.[Margad Erdene] Co Author Listing * Aboveground Biomass Estimation and Time Series Analyses in Mongolian Grasslands Utilizing PlanetScope Imagery
Includes: Jargalsaikhan, M.E.[Margad Erdene] Jargalsaikhan, M.E.[Margad-Erdene]

Index for "j"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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