Index for jao_

Jao, J.K.[Jen King] Co Author Listing * Theory of synthetic aperture radar imaging of a moving target

Jao, J.S.[Joseph S.] Co Author Listing * Feed-Forward Neural Network Denoising Applied to Goldstone Solar System Radar Images

Jao, P.K.[Ping Keng] Co Author Listing * EEG Correlates of Difficulty Levels in Dynamical Transitions of Simulated Flying and Mapping Tasks
* EEG-Based Online Regulation of Difficulty in Simulated Flying
* Music Annotation and Retrieval using Unlabeled Exemplars: Correlation and Sparse Codes
Includes: Jao, P.K.[Ping Keng] Jao, P.K.[Ping-Keng]

Index for "j"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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