Index for hofb

Hofbauer, C. Co Author Listing * On the Exploitation of the Redundant Energy in UW-OFDM: LMMSE Versus Sphere Detection

Hofbauer, H.[Heinz] Co Author Listing * Deep Iris Compression
* effective and efficient visual quality index based on local edge gradients, An
* Encrypting only AC coefficient signs considered harmful
* Experimental analysis regarding the influence of iris segmentation on the recognition rate
* Exploiting superior CNN-based iris segmentation for better recognition accuracy
* Exploring presentation attack vulnerability and usability of face recognition systems
* Ground Truth for Iris Segmentation, A
* Identifying deficits of visual security metrics for images
* Iris Recognition in Image Domain: Quality-metric Based Comparators
* Low Quality and Recognition of Image Content
* Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-scale comparisons in CPU-based iris recognition systems
* On rotational pre-alignment for tree log identification using methods inspired by fingerprint and iris recognition
* Secure transport and adaptation of MC-EZBC video utilizing H.264-based transport protocols
* Tree Log Identification Based on Digital Cross-Section Images of Log Ends Using Fingerprint and Iris Recognition Methods
* Utilizing CNNs for Cryptanalysis of Selective Biometric Face Sample Encryption
* Visual quality indices and lowquality images
Includes: Hofbauer, H.[Heinz] Hofbauer, H.
16 for Hofbauer, H.

Hofbauer, M.[Markus] Co Author Listing * Introspective Failure Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using Late Fusion of State and Camera Information
* Pixel-Wise Failure Prediction for Semantic Video Segmentation
* Preprocessor Rate Control for Adaptive Multi-View Live Video Streaming Using a Single Encoder
* Reverse Engineering Animal Vision with Virtual Reality and Genetics
* Reverse Error Modeling for Improved Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Hofbauer, M.[Markus] Hofbauer, M.

Index for "h"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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