Index for hino

Hino, F. Co Author Listing * Data Mining Applied for Determining Stream Flow Permanence
* On the Development of A Novel Approach for Identifying Perennial Drainage In Southern Brazil: A Study Case Integrating Sentinel-2 And High-resolution Digital Elevation Models with Machine Learning Techniques

Hino, H.[Hideitsu] Co Author Listing * 3D Object Recognition with Enhanced Grassmann Discriminant Analysis
* Calibration of radially symmetric distortion based on linearity in the calibrated image
* Calibration of Radially Symmetric Distortion by Fitting Principal Component
* Combination of Multiple Distance Measures for Protein Fold Classification
* Estimation of a rotationally symmetric mirror shape from a frontal image of the mirror
* improved entropy-based multiple kernel learning, An
* Integration of MKL-Based and I-Vector-Based Speaker Verification by Short Utterances
* Pairwise Similarity for Line Extraction from Distorted Images
* Personal Authentication Based on 3D Configuration of Micro-feature Points on Facial Surface
* Protein Fold Classification Using Large Margin Combination of Distance Metrics
* Retrieved Image Refinement by Bootstrap Outlier Test
* Robust Hyperplane Fitting Based on k-th Power Deviation and a-Quantile
* Self-Calibration of Radially Symmetric Distortion by Model Selection
* Sensing Visual Attention by Sequential Patterns
* Sliced inverse regression with conditional entropy minimization
Includes: Hino, H.[Hideitsu] Hino, H.
15 for Hino, H.

Hino, T. Co Author Listing * Housediff: A Map-based Building Change Detection From High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Geometric Optimization Method

Hino, Y. Co Author Listing * Information and communication technology-based tele-monitoring for elderly care houses

Hinojo Hinojo, C.[Cesar] Co Author Listing * Plant Traits Help Explain the Tight Relationship between Vegetation Indices and Gross Primary Production
Includes: Hinojo Hinojo, C.[Cesar] Hinojo-Hinojo, C.[César]

Hinojosa Corona, A.[Alejandro] Co Author Listing * Emerging Sensor Platforms Allow for Seagrass Extent Mapping in a Turbid Estuary and from the Meadow to Ecosystem Scale
* Novel GP Approach to Synthesize Vegetation Indices for Soil Erosion Assessment, A
Includes: Hinojosa Corona, A.[Alejandro] Hinojosa-Corona, A.[Alejandro]

Hinojosa, C.[Carlos] Co Author Listing * CX-DaGAN: Domain Adaptation for Pneumonia Diagnosis on a Small Chest X-Ray Dataset
* Learning Privacy-preserving Optics for Human Pose Estimation
* Optics Lens Design for Privacy-Preserving Scene Captioning
* PrivHAR: Recognizing Human Actions from Privacy-Preserving Lens
* Spectral-Spatial Classification from Multi-Sensor Compressive Measurements Using Superpixels
Includes: Hinojosa, C.[Carlos] Hinojosa, C.

Hinostroza, I.D.S.[Israel D. Saenz] Co Author Listing * Measurements and Analysis of the Doppler Signature of a Human Moving within the Forest in UHF-Band
Includes: Hinostroza, I.D.S.[Israel D. Saenz] Hinostroza, I.D.S.[Israel D. Sáenz]

Index for "h"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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