Index for hany

Hanyalic, A. Co Author Listing * Generic approach to highlights extraction from a sport video

Hanyf, Y. Co Author Listing * Criteria and technique to choose a good rho parameter for the D-index
* Improvable Structure for Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces: Application on Image Databases, An

Hanyu, T. Co Author Listing * Gabor Filter Based on Stochastic Computation
* High-Accuracy and Area-Efficient Stochastic FIR Digital Filters Based on Hybrid Computation
Includes: Hanyu, T. Hanyu, T.[Takahiro]

Hanyu, Y.[Yoshiaki] Co Author Listing * Apparatus and method for processing two-tone image data so as to smooth and magnify image
* Apparatus and method for processing two-tone image data so as to smooth image and convert each image pixel into a plurality of pixels
* Image processing apparatus for the smooth enlargement and multileveling output of an image

Index for "h"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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