Index for gluk

Glukhov, V.[Valeriy] Co Author Listing * Stable Low-rank Tensor Decomposition for Compression of Convolutional Neural Network

Glukhovets, D.[Dmitry] Co Author Listing * Evaluation of the CDOM Absorption Coefficient in the Arctic Seas Based on Sentinel-3 OLCI Data
* Influence of the Accuracy of Chlorophyll-Retrieval Algorithms on the Estimation of Solar Radiation Absorbed in the Barents Sea
* Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the Arctic Region (August 2020) and the Possibility of Application to Satellite Products for Water Quality Assessment
* Overview of the Special Issue on Seawater Bio-Optical Characteristics from Satellite Ocean Color Data, An

Index for "g"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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