Index for ghil

Ghilain, N.[Nicolas] Co Author Listing * All-Weather Land Surface Temperature Product Based on MSG/SEVIRI Observations, An
* Evaluating an energy balance setting and random forest-based downscaling for the estimation of daily ET at sub-kilometer spatial resolution
* New Retrieval Algorithm for Soil Moisture Index from Thermal Infrared Sensor On-Board Geostationary Satellites over Europe and Africa and Its Validation, A
* Retrieving daily evapotranspiration from the combination of geostationary and polar-orbit satellite data
Includes: Ghilain, N.[Nicolas] Ghilain, N.

Ghilardi, A. Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Annual MODIS PTC Data for Deforestation and Forest Degradation Analysis
* Harmonizing Definitions and Methods to Estimate Deforestation at the Lacandona Tropical Region in Southern Mexico
* Variables Selection for Aboveground Biomass Estimations Using Satellite Data: A Comparison between Relative Importance Approach and Stepwise Akaike's Information Criterion
Includes: Ghilardi, A. Ghilardi, A.[Adrián] Ghilardi, A.[Adrian]

Ghilardi, P.[Paolo] Co Author Listing * Automatic Mask Extraction for PIV-Based Dam-Break Analysis
* Dry Granular Flows Need Special Tools

Ghilas, H.[Hamza] Co Author Listing * Histogram of Marked Background (HMB) Feature Extraction Method for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* Spatial Distribution of Ink at Keypoints (SDIK): A Novel Feature for Word Spotting in Arabic Documents

Ghildyal, A.[Abhijay] Co Author Listing * Perceptual Quality Metric for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* Shift-Tolerant Perceptual Similarity Metric

Index for "g"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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