Index for fadl

Fadl, K. Co Author Listing * Development of a BIM Infrastructure Workflow Adapted To Facilities Of Land Subdivision Projects in Morocco

Fadl, M.E.[Mohamed E.] Co Author Listing * Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Changes in Arid Regions Using Landsat Images, CA-Markov Hybrid Model, and GIS Techniques

Fadl, S.[Sondos] Co Author Listing * Automatic fake document identification and localization using DE-Net and color-based features of foreign inks
* CNN spatiotemporal features and fusion for surveillance video forgery detection
* Surveillance Video Authentication Using Universal Image Quality Index of Temporal Average

Fadl, S.M.[Sondos M.] Co Author Listing * Inter-frame forgery detection based on differential energy of residue
* proposed accelerated image copy-move forgery detection, A
Includes: Fadl, S.M.[Sondos M.] Fadl, S.M.

Fadlallah, S.[Sarah] Co Author Listing * Graph Regression Based on Graph Autoencoders

Index for "f"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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