Index for awad

Awad, A. Co Author Listing * Measuring the Spatial Readiness of Ambulance Facilities for Natural Disasters Using GIS Networks Analysis

Awad, A.I.[Ali Ismail] Co Author Listing * TPUAR-Net: Two Parallel U-Net with Asymmetric Residual-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation

Awad, A.S. Co Author Listing * edge detection technique in images, An
* Standard Deviation for Obtaining the Optimal Direction in the Removal of Impulse Noise

Awad, B.[Bahaa] Co Author Listing * FAUNet: Frequency Attention U-Net for Parcel Boundary Delineation in Satellite Images

Awad, D.[Dounia] Co Author Listing * New Hybrid Texture-Perceptual Descriptor: Application CBIR, A
* Saliency Filtering of SIFT Detectors: Application to CBIR
* Toward a perceptual object recognition system

Awad, G.[George] Co Author Listing * Automatic skin segmentation and tracking in sign language recognition
* Boosted subunits: a framework for recognising sign language from videos
* Instance search retrospective with focus on TRECVID
* Modelling and segmenting subunits for sign language recognition based on hand motion analysis
* Novel boosting framework for subunit-based sign language recognition
* On Influential Trends in Interactive Video Retrieval: Video Browser Showdown 2015-2017
* Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition Including Hand Segmentation and Tracking
* Unified System for Segmentation and Tracking of Face and Hands in Sign Language Recognition, A
* V3C: A Research Video Collection
Includes: Awad, G.[George] Awad, G.
9 for Awad, G.

Awad, H.A.[Hamdy A.] Co Author Listing * Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping Using Landsat 8 and ASTER Data and Geochemical Characteristics of Precambrian Rocks in the Egyptian Shield: A Case Study from Abu Ghalaga, Southeastern Desert, Egypt

Awad, M. Co Author Listing * 3-D visualization method for image-guided brain surgery, A
* Age and gender recognition using informative features of various types
* Deep Transfer Learning Framework for Seismic Data Analysis: A Case Study on Bright Spot Detection, A
* framework for image classification, A
* Panel Tracking for the Extraction and the Classification of Speech Balloons
* Real-Time FPGA Implementation of Visible/Near Infrared Fusion Based Image Enhancement, A
Includes: Awad, M. Awad, M.[Maher] Awad, M.[Mariette]

Awad, M.A.[Mohamed A.] Co Author Listing * Urban Health Related Air Quality Indicators over the Middle East and North Africa Countries Using Multiple Satellites and AERONET Data

Awad, M.M.[Mohamad M.] Co Author Listing * FlexibleNet: A New Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Model for Estimating Carbon Sequestration Qualitatively Using Remote Sensing
* Low-Complexity Semi-Blind Channel Estimation Algorithms for Vehicular Communications Using the IEEE 802.11p Standard
* Satellite image segmentation using hybrid variable genetic algorithm
Includes: Awad, M.M.[Mohamad M.] Awad, M.M.

Awad, M.W. Co Author Listing * Multi-component image segmentation using a hybrid dynamic genetic algorithm and fuzzy C-means

Awad, S.I.[Samer I.] Co Author Listing * Automated identification and counting of proliferating mesenchymal stem cells in bone callus

Awada, H.[Hassan] Co Author Listing * On the Use of the Eddy Covariance Latent Heat Flux and Sap Flow Transpiration for the Validation of a Surface Energy Balance Model

Awada, T. Co Author Listing * Automated Stem Angle Determination for Temporal Plant Phenotyping Analysis
* Early Detection of Encroaching Woody Juniperus Virginiana and Its Classification in Multi-Species Forest Using UAS Imagery and Semantic Segmentation Algorithms
* FlowerPhenoNet: Automated Flower Detection from Multi-View Image Sequences Using Deep Neural Networks for Temporal Plant Phenotyping Analysis
* Visual Growth Tracking for Automated Leaf Stage Monitoring Based on Image Sequence Analysis
Includes: Awada, T. Awada, T.[Tala]

Awadallah, A.[Ahmed] Co Author Listing * DnA: Improving Few-Shot Transfer Learning with Low-Rank Decomposition and Alignment
* Principle of Diversity: Training Stronger Vision Transformers Calls for Reducing All Levels of Redundancy, The
* Scalable Learning to Optimize: A Learned Optimizer Can Train Big Models

Awadallah, M. Co Author Listing * Multisensensor Multitemporal Data Fusion Using Wavelet Transform
* Segmentation of sparse noisy point clouds using active contour models
Includes: Awadallah, M. Awadallah, M.[Mahmoud]

Awadallah, M.O.M.[Mahmoud Omer Mahmoud] Co Author Listing * Comparison between Topographic and Bathymetric LiDAR Terrain Models in Flood Inundation Estimations
* Quantitative Evaluation of Bathymetric LiDAR Sensors and Acquisition Approaches in Laerdal River in Norway

Index for "a"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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