Index for atap

Atapour Abarghouei, A.[Amir] Co Author Listing * Back to Butterworth: A Fourier basis for 3D surface relief hole filling within RGB-D imagery
* Extended Patch Prioritization for Depth Filling Within Constrained Exemplar-Based RGB-D Image Completion
* GANomaly: Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training
* Generative adversarial framework for depth filling via Wasserstein metric, cosine transform and domain transfer
* HINT: High-Quality INpainting Transformer With Mask-Aware Encoding and Enhanced Attention
* Leveraging Synthetic Subject Invariant EEG Signals for Zero Calibration BCI
* Monocular Segment-Wise Depth: Monocular Depth Estimation Based on a Semantic Segmentation Prior
* On the Impact of Lossy Image and Video Compression on the Performance of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures
* Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation Using Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation via Image Style Transfer
* Region-based Appearance and Flow Characteristics for Anomaly Detection in Infrared Surveillance Imagery
* To Complete or to Estimate, That is the Question: A Multi-Task Approach to Depth Completion and Monocular Depth Estimation
* Veritatem Dies Aperit - Temporally Consistent Depth Prediction Enabled by a Multi-Task Geometric and Semantic Scene Understanding Approach
Includes: Atapour Abarghouei, A.[Amir] Atapour-Abarghouei, A.[Amir]
12 for Atapour Abarghouei, A.

Index for "a"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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