Index for aire

Aired, L. Co Author Listing * Dynamics of a Contrast Agent Microbubble Attached to an Elastic Wall

Aires, A.S.[Alysson Soares] Co Author Listing * Digital Outcrop Model Generation from Hybrid UAV and Panoramic Imaging Systems

Aires, F.[Filipe] Co Author Listing * Artificial Neural Networks to Retrieve Land and Sea Skin Temperature from IASI
* Bottleneck Channels Algorithm for Satellite Data Dimension Reduction: A Case Study for IASI
* Estimating Retrieval Errors From Neural Network Inversion Schemes: Application to the Retrieval of Temperature Profiles From IASI
* Ice Concentration Retrieval from the Analysis of Microwaves: A New Methodology Designed for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
* Ice Concentration Retrieval from the Analysis of Microwaves: Evaluation of a New Methodology Optimized for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
* Learning Global Evapotranspiration Dataset Corrections from a Water Cycle Closure Supervision
* Multiangle Backscattering Observations of Continental Surfaces in Ku-Band (13 GHz) From Satellites: Understanding the Signals, Particularly in Arid Regions
* Quantifying Uncertainties in Land-Surface Microwave Emissivity Retrievals
* SMOS Neural Network Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in a Land Surface Model and Atmospheric Impact
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Neural Networks: Application to SMOS
* Surface Water Evolution (2001-2017) at the Cambodia/Vietnam Border in the Upper Mekong Delta Using Satellite MODIS Observations
Includes: Aires, F.[Filipe] Aires, F.
11 for Aires, F.

Aires, S.B.K.[Simone B. K.] Co Author Listing * Confusion Matrix Disagreement for Multiple Classifiers
* Dynamic Zoning Selection for Handwritten Character Recognition
Includes: Aires, S.B.K.[Simone B. K.] Aires, S.B.K.[Simone B.K.]

Index for "a"

Last update:29-May-24 17:50:55
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